Friday, February 28, 2025

Dell Wyse 5070 Linux setup

In my previous post. I discussed the use of a Dell Wyse 5060 thing client. There is a better option, which meanwhile made it into my collection, the Dell Wyse 5070. 

The version I got is equipped with a 16GB onboard eMMC device, which is big enough for a small Linux installation. My joice fell on Xubuntu Minimal. With some additional software installed, 48% of the eMMC drive are used, roughly 6.5GB.

To keep things simple, I am using an external 2TB USB3 HDD. This disk is partitioned into a Linux swap and an ext4 partition. The ext4 partition serves as home-drive.

Swapping over USB3 is certainly not ideal. However, with only 4GB RAM, swap is desireable. In order to improve on the swap situation, zram takes care of part of the virtual memory. The total virtual memory is now 4GB (HDD) + 1.8GB (zram).