Sunday, April 4, 2021

Raspberry Pi 400 Document Scanning with Canon LiDE 30

My RPi400 evolves more and more into my daily driver for my office activities. Here and there I got paper documents to share, so I needed to scan those, for sending them as PDFs around the world.

Many year ago, I purchased a Canon LiDE 30 USB scanner. This scanner is powered by the USB connection only. Until today, I used this particular scanner on a powered USB hub, thinking the power draw would be to great for the RPi400.
Well, I was wrong. Today, I hooked the scanner up to one of the USB3 ports of the RPi400 directly and the scanner worked perfectly.

If you wonder, the Canon LiDE 30 is supported up to Windows Vista 32bit or Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and won't work on anything more modern than that in Microsoft or Apple environments.
However, we are in good luck with linux and the "sane" environment. 
On Raspberry Pi linux systems, XSane is available. To my surprise, the RPi400 delivers sufficient current on the USB3 connectors to power my Canon LiDE 30 scanner. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Raspberry Pi and Arduino revisted

In my earlier post, locating a valid Arduino connection, I used exception handling by catching the error message created by attempting to open a non-existing device.
Of course there is an easier way of doing this in a POSIX compliant system, by looking at the existence of the respective device files. If you are confused about the ttyUSB0 device, this is how an inexpensive Arduino clone appears in my system.

Here is my new approach, which is bit more elegant and less brutish. This approach uses the "glob" module and the "set" data-type.

import glob

def listFiles(prefix):
    for file in glob.glob(prefix):
    return _

def findArduino():
    for _ in ser_dev:
        if _ in dev_list:
            return _

if __name__=='__main__':
    if arduino:
        print('Arduino found at',arduino)
        print('Arduino not found')

Python Script Re-Import

Here is another study, pretty useless what it does actually, however, this might come in handy for some self-modifying projects.

This script writes a script called It then imports the module, overwrites it, including data to a list and finally re-imports the modified module. At the very end, a function of the re-imported module is called. As a bonus the module is a fully self sufficient python program itself.

The study demonstrates how a python program can not only modify data but also modify its own functionality during run-time. Having a dictionary with python instruction could be an interesting way to write self-learning scripts.

from importlib import reload
import sys


def modify(a,i):
    return a

# create a module to import
f.write(f'def test01(b):\n')
f.write(f'    return b\n')
f.write(f'if __name__=="__main__":\n')
f.write(f'    test01(b)\n')
f.write(f'    print(b)\n')

# import the module
from test01 import *

for i in range(3):

    # play with data

    # write modified module
    f.write(f'def test01(b):\n')
    f.write(f'    b.pop(1)\n')
    f.write(f'    return b\n')
    f.write(f'if __name__=="__main__":\n')
    f.write(f'    test01(b)\n')
    f.write(f'    print(b)\n')

    # re-import module
    from test01 import b, test01    

    # show data from module


# run function from module

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Python Moving Average

In data analysis, moving averages are often used to "smooth" noisy data. In terms of signal processing, applying a moving average is a very crude low-pass filter. In fact, a moving average filter is a special case of an FIR (finite impulse response) filter.

Here is a study I wrote in Python using numpy and matplotlib.

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# calculate moving average and add zero-padding
# the function takes two parameter, the data array and the
# number of bins for averaging, default 5 can be overwritten
def moving_average(a, n=5):

    ret = np.cumsum(a, dtype=float)
    ret[n:] = ret[n:] - ret[:-n]
    return (np.insert((ret[n-1:]/n),0,[0]*(n-1)))

# create some sort of noisy data
data = np.arange(100)
data = np.sin(data/5)+np.cos(data/20)+np.random.randn(100)/5

data_avg = moving_average(data,7)



Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Python Circular Buffer

Just to continue the series about watching me learning Python, here is one that might be useful for any  application that samples data in real time into a circular buffer, aka ring buffer. This examples runs two threads, one thread is "reading" (creating) data and depositing this data into the ring buffer, while the other thread reads a certain amount of said data independently.
Obviously, the ring buffer is in shared memory (global) and accessible by both threads.
Of course, putting random numbers into a buffer in a particular frequency and reading said buffer out with a different frequency is not solving any real problems, however, this is supposed to demonstrate how two threads could be used for sampling and analyzing data.

from time import sleep
from threading import Thread
import random

def read_val(var):
    global pos
    while True:
        for i in range(length):
            print("generated ",i, var[i])

def pick_val(var):
    while True:
        print("most recent ",pos,var[pos])
        for i in range(length):
            print("=> ",i,var[i],lpos,var[lpos])

# initialize memory
data = []
for i in range(5):

t1 = Thread(target=read_val, args=(data,))
t2 = Thread(target=pick_val, args=(data,))


Saturday, February 13, 2021

Raspberry Pi with Arduino

Over the last few months I was developing hard- and software for a project. While I won't disclose any details of the project here, I think it would be fun for the readers to see me learning Raspberry Pi, Arduino and Python.
And yes, the previous Raspberry Pi blog posts were all somewhat triggered by the project mentioned above. In fact, the main idea of the project was not only using Raspberry Pi hardware for the project itself, bu also as main hardware for the company running said project, including all staff. (I am diverting...)

On particular problem with Arduino boards hooked up to Raspberry Pi boards is that the device might change from /dev/ttyACM0 to /dev/ttyACM1 from one use to the other. When using cheap clones, the device might be /dev/ttyUSB0.
So, in a project using Arduino (clone) boards with a Raspberry Pi board, one needs to test which device is in use.

Here comes the learn Python with me. This might not be the most elegant way to do this, however, here is a solution that works for me:

def initialize():
    global SERIAL_PORT
    global ser
    # find a valid serial port
        print('trying '+TSER)
        tser = serial.Serial(
            baudrate = 115200,
        print(TSER + ' found')
    except serial.serialutil.SerialException:
            print('trying '+TSER)
            tser = serial.Serial(
                baudrate = 115200,
            print(TSER+' found')
            print('no Arduino found, using clone')
        print('using '+SERIAL_PORT)

    ser = serial.Serial(
        baudrate = 115200,

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Raspberry Pi 400 - the Most Significant Computer in 2020

Is that a click-bait title?!
I don't think so. While Raspberry Pis were doing well over the years. There never was an attempt to creating a breakthrough by the RPi-foundation. At least that's my thought on things. 
Personally, I was never really attracted to their devices, until the RPi3B+ was released. Now we are talking. Not perfect yet, however, the device was boot-able over USB and with 1GB of RAM, this has beaten many of my previous Linux machines.

With the RPi 4 coming in, the game changed. Now we are talking about a tiny computer that boots from USB3, adding the speed needed for real computing.
In fact, I used a RPi4-8GB in a 64bit computing environment successfully.

The before mentioned setup required some pain and suffering to set up, in particular choosing the 64bit OS that supports the 8GB. So, is that what I would recommend to others? No it is not, only if you know your ways around Linux and stuff. Many of the amenities you get with a 32bit Raspberry Pi OS wont be there. Lets wait and see how the 64bit Raspberry Pi OS will perform, once it left the beta stage.

So, what the fuzz about the RPi 400 then? Well, it is not much of an improvement over the RPi4 to be honest. However, having the only choice of a 4GB version eliminates the need for a 64bit OS. Consequently, the Raspberry Pi OS is all you might want to use.
And that is what I am running on my machine, which I actually use for business, believe it or not. I wished the keyboard was a little bit better, but for the rest, the RPi 400 does a fine job.

To add something technical here, I did overclock my RPi 400 to 2.1GHz by adding the following lines to the file /boot/config.txt (I left the original comment line for reference): 

#uncomment to overclock the arm. 700 MHz is the default.

And here we go, this change makes the RPi 400 just a little bit snappier.

Here is another suggestion I got for you: install zram-tools. This will setup virtual swap space using compression in RAM rather than real disk/SSD-space. With 4 cores and 4GB of RAM, zram-tools will provide 1GB of virtual swap. This may not sound like much, however, once you hit the memory ceiling, you will see that this is a really good tool, in particular with higher clock speeds.

Should you consider using the RPi 400 as a daily driver, I highly recommend using an SSD on one of the USB3 ports. Further, a (powered) USB(3) hub will help to add devices you would regularly use for daily work, such as a scanner.
Writing about scanners, I am using an old Canon LIDE 30 with great success on an even older powered USB hub. To be honest, before using those things with the RPi 400, I considered discarding those devices, due to a lack of drivers on OS other than Linux.

And the best thing about the RPi 400, it is passively cooled. As long as you are not using a mechanical HDD with the device, you got a totally silent working environment, which to me means a lot.