Monday, February 22, 2021

Raspberry Pi and Arduino revisted

In my earlier post, locating a valid Arduino connection, I used exception handling by catching the error message created by attempting to open a non-existing device.
Of course there is an easier way of doing this in a POSIX compliant system, by looking at the existence of the respective device files. If you are confused about the ttyUSB0 device, this is how an inexpensive Arduino clone appears in my system.

Here is my new approach, which is bit more elegant and less brutish. This approach uses the "glob" module and the "set" data-type.

import glob

def listFiles(prefix):
    for file in glob.glob(prefix):
    return _

def findArduino():
    for _ in ser_dev:
        if _ in dev_list:
            return _

if __name__=='__main__':
    if arduino:
        print('Arduino found at',arduino)
        print('Arduino not found')